Co-operatives are democratically run organisations owned and controlled by their members to meet the needs of those members.

This type of inclusive business model creates strong, diverse and stable businesses generating shared wealth that put people and place on equal footing to profit.  Membership can be made up of employees, customers, residents or other business such as suppliers or partners and all have an equal in running the co-operative. There are a range of co-ops that can fit a variety of members needs and ambitions. 

Co-operative Development Scotland (CDS) can help you learn more about co-operatives and inclusive business models  through a variety of resources provided below. 

We also provide support to businesses and communities looking to adopt or develop their co-operative business model including advice on feasibility, structure, governance, member engagement and provision of necessary legal documentation. We can support both start up and existing co-operatives.

Resources for Co-ops

Discover Co-ops. Free is starting a co-op right for you. Workshops to help you to discover the power of co-ops
Chiara Ducker, Rosa Garmen, Beth Thomas, Sandra Flynn, Simon Delahunt and Sally Green standing behind fruit and vegetable produce at the New Leaf Co-op
Graphic of distillery, shop, factory, bus, taxi and wind turbine.
Text stating Inclusive Business Models Video guide, creating a fairer and stronger economy. Image of globe surrounded by leaves, coins
Light bulb image with text stating: collaboration
Text stating: Get in touch or access support

Collaboration video series